In general, ICSI declares CS Foundation Result within 1.5 months after completion of CS Foundation Exams. Students who wrote the CS foundation exam, eagerly waiting for their CS foundation result. The result along with individual candidate’s subject-wise break-up of marks will be available on the Institute’s website: The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) conducts CS Foundation exams twice in a year in June and December. CS Foundation Exam is Computer Based Examination (CBE) and CS Foundation exam contains 4 papers,
- Business Environment and Law
- Business Management, Ethics and Entrepreneurship
- Business Economics
- Fundamentals of Accounting and Auditing
CS Foundation Exam Details
Name of Exam | CS Foundation |
Conducted by | The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) |
CS Foundation Exam Date | 26th December and 27th December 2020 |
Exact CS Foundation Result Date | 18th January 2021 |
Next CS Foundation Exam | 5th June and 6th June 2021 |
CS Foundation Result Official Notification
Check CS Foundation result official notification here.
CS Foundation Result Updates
ICSI declared that the CS Foundation result will be declared on 18th January 2021. The result of the CS Computer Based Examination for Foundation Programme held on 26th and 27th December 2020 would be declared on Monday, the 18th January 2021 at 11:00 A.M.
The result along with the individual candidate’s subject-wise break-up of marks will be available on the Institute’s website on declaration of the result.
CS Foundation Result Exact Date – Previous Attempts
December 2020 | 18 January 2021 |
December 2019 | 25 January 2020 |
June 2019 | 25 July 2019 |
December 2018 | 21 February 2019 |
June 2018 | 25 July 2018 |
December 2017 | 21 January 2018 |
June 2017 | 5 July 2017 |
December 2016 | 25 January 2017 |
Click the below links to check your CS Foundation Result.
Steps to Check ICSI Foundation Result
To check the ICSI Foundation Result follow the below steps:
step 1: visit ICSI website
Visit ICSI Official Website
step 2: navigate to examination section
On the website navigate to the “student” section and then click on the “examination” link
step 3: click CS Foundation result
Now you may Reach at ICSI Examination Page, In this page click on “CS Foundation Result” or directly go to this URL “”
step 4: enter roll number
Now Select CS Foundation Result and Enter your Roll Number and click on the “Submit” Button
step 5: download CS Foundation result
Your CS Foundation Result will appear on your screen, please take a printout of your result or save a copy on your computer for future reference.
All students of CS Foundation may note that the physical copy of Result-cum-Marks Statements will not be issued. Therefore, you have to download your formal e-result-cum-marks statement which will be uploaded on the ICSI official website immediately after declaration of the result. In case of any problem contact the Institute at:
Formal E-Result-cum-Marks Statement of Foundation examination will be uploaded on the website of the institute immediately after declaration of result for downloading by candidates for their reference, use, and records.
No physical copy of the Result-cum-Marks Statement will be issued.
Note: If you want to download the E-Marksheet of CS Foundation previous exams i.e. December 2020, June 2019, Dec 2016, etc. click the below link to download.
Click Here to Download E-Marksheets For All Previous Sessions.
How to Get CS Foundation Result Through SMS
The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) also providing a facility to get your CS Foundation Result through SMS. To get CS results through SMS, see below.
For receiving the CS foundation result through SMS, just type ICSIFOUN< space>ROLL NUMBER in your message box and send it to the number 56263.
How to Get CS Foundation Result Through Email
If you want to receive your result in your inbox, then you may register your e-mail ID in advance for the purpose on Institute’s website or Formal E-Result-cum-Marks Statement of CS Foundation Examination will be uploaded on the website of the institute immediately after declaration of result for downloading by candidates for their reference, use, and records.
CS Foundation Exam Passing Criteria (Qualifying Marks)
A candidate shall be declared to have passed the CS Foundation Examination if he/she obtains at one sitting a minimum of 40% marks in each subject and 50% marks in the aggregate of all the subjects put together.
Pass with Exemption: A candidate who has appeared in all the subjects for which he/she was enrolled and has obtained 60% marks or above in any subject, but failed, shall be declared to have passed in the subsequent examination if he/she obtains a minimum of 40% marks in each remaining subject and 50% marks in the aggregate of the remaining subjects at one sitting within the next 3 following examinations.
CS Foundation Rank List
Check out the CS Foundation Toppers Marks & Merit List. CS Foundation a Computer Based Examination for CS (Company Secretaries) held in 106 cities across the nation and one overseas centre in Dubai.
CS Foundation December 2020 rank list
Frequently Asked Questions on CS Foundation Result
How can I search for my CS foundation result all over India?
To get the CS Foundation result follow the below steps:
1. Go to ICSI official website link.
2. Select your course: CS Foundation
3. Enter your Email, Registration number, and Roll number & Submit
Can I check the result of CS Foundation centre wise or zone wise?
Yes, you can check the result of CS Foundation centre wise(region wise).
What is meant by verification of marks in CS?
he process of verification of marks covers the following:
1. Whether the answer book(s) compilation is complete
2. Whether any question or part thereof has remained unvalued
3. Whether there is any totaling error in any question or total marks on the cover page
4. Whether there is any discrepancy between the marks for each question and or/part thereof and marks for each question indicated on the cover page of the answer book
5. Whether the handwriting of the candidate in all the answer books is the same.
What is the expected date and timing for CS Foundation Result (news or status)?
he expected date regarding the CS Foundation result is after one month of exam.
Can I check CS foundation exam result by SMS?
Yes, you can check the CS Foundation exam result by SMS on mobile.
We hope all your doubts regarding the CS Foundation Result is clear now, if not then comment below, we would love to help you.
When CS foundation result is to be announced conducted by ICSI in june 2018?
CS Foundation Result will be declared on 25th July 2018 (No official notification by ICSI)